
The Kite Academy Trust is a primary-focused Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) consisting of nine infant & primary academies for which we receive funding from the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).  The Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee (not for profit) and is required by law to operate to all statutory regulations and rules within its Articles of Association which are registered at Companies House.  In addition, the Trust is required to make public its accounts which are audited annually (see also Statutory Documents).

The Kite Academy Trust is governed through its Trust Board which comprises independent Trustees appointed by the Members and supported by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  As per its Scheme of Delegation, the Board of Trustees delegates authority for some governance functions to local advisory bodies, known as Academy Councils, to support the strategic oversight of the organisation and ensure that each academy delivers the vision and values of the Trust. 

Governance Triangle

Members protect the charitable and educational objectives, including the ethos of the Trust. The Members are the subscribers to the Trust’s Memorandum of Association. Their key responsibilities include appointing the Trustees and holding them to account for the successful governance of the Trust.
The legal powers and responsibilities of the Trust are held by the Board of Trustees, who are both Charity Trustees and Corporate Directors. They are responsible for ensuring compliance with charity and company law and the Trust’s funding agreement. They are accountable to the Members of the Trust and the Secretary of State. Trustees oversee the running of the MAT and determine its strategic direction.

Academy Council Governors
The Trust Board delegates responsibility for certain functions to Academy Councils as per its Scheme of Delegation. Academy Council Governors monitor the progress of the Academy Improvement Plan and report their findings to the Trust Board.

The Trust Board has four Committees constituted of Trustees and members of the Executive Team.  The Monitoring Review Committee reviews the monitoring undertaken by Academy Councils and makes recommendations to the Executive Team and other Committees to ensure the Trust Board are able to make informed, consistent and valid decisions across the Trust.

Governance Structure 

 The governance of the Trust is supported by its leadership structure which incorporates:

Executive Team
The Executive Team is comprised of the Chief Executive Officer, Director of Operations, Director of Finance, Director of Education and Executive Head Teachers. They are responsible to the Trust Board and ensure consistency across all academies. The Executive Team provides both support and challenge to the Academy Leadership Teams.
Leadership Board
The Leadership Board is comprised of the Executive Team and Academy Head Teachers.  They meet regularly to consider organisational matters across the Trust. The Leadership Board is responsible for the consistent implementation of the strategic direction of the Trust across all academies.
Academy Leadership Team
The Academy Leadership Team is led by the Academy Head working with other Leaders. Academy Leadership Teams are accountable to the Academy Council and are able to call on support from the CEO, Director of Education, Executive Head Teachers and other Academy Head Teachers to ensure that an outstanding level of teaching and learning is maintained across the Trust.

The Kite Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 09785186.

The registered office is c/o Holly Lodge Primary Academy, Stratford Road, Ash Vale, Surrey, GU12 5PX. 

The Chair of the Trust Board and Governance Manager for the Trust can be contacted via or the Central Office

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 9785186.
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