
Joining the Kite Academy Trust brings many advantages for children, families, staff and communities.  Due to its size and organisation, there are three over-arching benefits of being a part of our Trust:

  • Ability to provide the very best resources to support both our teaching and administrative functions
  • Pooling and sharing information to promote faster, more sustainable improvement in teaching and learning across all academies
  • Flexibility to respond to changing needs through utilisation of resources across the Trust

Specific areas of benefit include: 

Area Benefit Reason Impact on Pupils
Strategic Management Ability to manage the development of the Trust to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency Experienced Trustees with a wealth of relevant skills Ensures the Trust is focused on the quality of teaching and learning
Organisational Structure Ability to utilise Senior and Specialist leaders across the Trust Utilising experienced Leadership Staff & Academy Improvement Teams within a hub structure Ensures all pupils benefit from the best teaching and support skills within the Trust when they are needed most
Facilities Ability to share resources across the Trust  Supportive, collaborative ethos  Access to facilities to other academies
Economies of Scale Ability to reduce out-going costs  Trust spending power More funding can be spend on curriculum
Specialist Resource Ability to provide specialist resources which would not be available to a stand-alone school  Spreading the cost over a number of academies allows for additional support to be provided  Makes specialist support more readily available to those pupils and families who need it
 Central Team Ability to provide non-academic functions in a cost-effective way  High quality and experience Central Staff responsible for 'back office' functions Ensures that the focus within an academy is on the quality of teaching, learning and achievement 
 Staff Recruitment & Retention Ability to recruit high-calibre staff and to retain them  Employer of choice; reputation of Trust; excellent training provision, staff benefits; cross-academy opportunities; good career progression opportunities Provision of high quality teaching meeting the needs of the pupils; consistent high quality teaching within academies and across the Trust; less in-year teacher changes 
 Staff Training Ability to provide cost effective, high quality, focused training across all academies  Able to include all staff; spread the cost; offer to non-Trust schools  Well-trained teaching & support staff better prepared to meet the needs of the individual pupils 
 Pupil Transfer Ability to support Year 6 children with secondary transition through 'Friendship Day' organised in 'secondary school' groups Number of academies in Trust Enables pupils to meet and make friendship groups with children form other academies who will be in their year group at secondary school
Trust-wide Events Ability to provide inter-academy events covering sports, arts, maths, science etc. Competitive yet friendly ethos Provides opportunities to meet and work/compete with pupils from other academies



A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 9785186.
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